What is god, and what is the quality of god? spirit answers

Can you please tell us what is god?

Please know that god is the energy in the entire universe and there are different gods for different universes. Please know that the quality of the god of a given universe is connected to the quality of the energy in a given universe as a whole. This is why we are always trying to help souls on your planet ascend.

Do you mean that earth is bringing down the general energy level in our universe?

Yes, very much so, and that is why it is important that healers are to stay on earth in several lifetimes.

Could you please expand on what that means in terms of the god of our universe?

We are indeed so glad you asked this question.

The quality of the god of your universe is lower than we would like it to be for you. We would like you to know that your gods energy is masculine and destructive, which is a big reflection of your earth’s energy, and this is one reason that women on your planet suffer so much. Please know that your god does not create anything that is meant to suffer; the suffering occurs only after life is brought into physical existence. We would like you to know that your existence is painful because your souls have incarnated to help this cause. Please know that [some] souls help the souls of others ascend.

How is what is happening on earth affecting the quality of the universe to which it belongs?

Please know that your earth is a beautiful planet who is being destroyed by your humans. Your other animals do not live this way, and they do not destroy what they do not need to destroy, they take what they need, and they do not destroy with malicious intent—they destroy to eat and that is mostly it. But your planet’s humans destroy others in order to have meaningless power, and the power gained comes from and serves ego. This form of being does not serve the higher purpose of harmony or ascension, and the other life forms in your universe are much more advanced than your humans in this regard.

Please know that when one place of life in this universe has such negative energy the rest of the universe tries to save it.

There are other light beings in your universe who are not that nice but they do not destroy without purpose. They are seeking ways to advance life in this universe, but to you and to other humans it may seem that they are taking advantage of you because they sometimes come to earth and try to make further forms of themselves with your beings. In the realm of the spiritual, it is not the way we would advise. However, it helps perpetuate existence, and this is not like rape [sensing my question, spirit directly answered] because the other light beings never sexually dominate any of your light beings. In fact, they do not dominate, they only come to those whose souls have granted them permission.

Then what is rape among humans? Are there soul contracts that create an agreement to rape? 

Yes unfortunately there are, this does not mean that rape is not a terrible act. Please know that rape occurs on your planet in order to raise awareness of the male dominance on your planet, and yes it is a very brutal way of bringing this to attention, and that is because your planet is not waking up. Let us please try to explain how what the other light beings do is not like this act.


Please know that these light beings who visit earth only come to the beings on your planet who will be able to integrate this experience into the remainder of their lives, which is usually not the case with rape.

Hang on. Many people who report being taken against their will by non-earth beings have a very hard time integrating their experience into the remainder of their lives because things are done to them against their conscious will.

You are right. We are not saying that this is not a vicious experience, but that it is not the same thing as being subordinated to the power of others simply for the purpose of domination, which is usually what rape is about.

Please know that your planet is not healthy, and we would like to see it become healthier because gaia [soul name for earth] is suffering.


On the soul and its parts, A Conversation with Spirit